Scottish Heart Health Extended Cohort (SHHEC)
Scottish Heart Health Extended Cohort (SHHEC):
This consists of two overlapping studies which share a common protocol and methods: the Scottish Heart Health Study randomly recruited men and women aged 40-59 across 22 Scottish districts in 1984-1987; Scottish MONICA similarly recruited men and women aged 25-64 in Edinburgh and North Glasgow in 1986, and in North Glasgow again in 1989, 1992 (to 74), and in 1995 as part of the WHO MONICA Project. They are now combined as one cohort, although length of follow-up, currently to the end of 2009, inevitably varies in the different components. Follow up is achieved through flagging for death certificates at the National Health Service Death Register and through the Scottish Record Linkage scheme for deaths and hospital discharge records run by Information Services Scotland, which works on probability matching (24). These diagnoses are no longer validated from case notes now that endpoint numbers run into thousands as the cohort ages, but they are allocated to MORGAM categories. Risk factor and endpoint data were used to produce the ASSIGN cardiovascular risk score (25). See.